ENTP Leadership

ENTP Leadership

ENTPs are active, enterprising and strategic leaders who have a vision for the future. They are insightful and critical, readily spotting trends and opportunities they can take advantage of and spotting flaws and loopholes that need to be corrected. Although spontaneous and fun-loving at times, they naturally gravitate towards leadership in any organisation because of their natural ability to take charge.

ENTP Leadership: Leading Self

ENTPs have an active life and always want to be involved and working on projects that they have an interest in.

They are serious about their personal growth and development and often like to seek out challenging environments which they thrive in. They love competition and use it as a motivator to push themselves to excellence.

However, ENTPs sometimes may have problems completing what they’ve started. Because they often have multiple visions of the future, they want to pursue all of them and see all of these visions come to pass. However, ENTPs will do well to prioritise their visions and making a clear decision about which one they want to focus on.

ENTP Leadership: Setting the Vision

Setting visions are almost second nature to ENTPs. They readily see flaws and loopholes in current social, economic, political systems and are quick to suggest innovative solutions to these issues. They also spot trends and patterns; if they can articulate these well to their team, they can inspire the team to run after the vision together.

However, ENTPs need to be careful not to have too many ideas for execution at any one time. They may unintentionally cause their staff to overwork trying to pursue too many as a result. Sometimes, they may also focus too much on the ideal vision that they forgo the allocation of resources toward doing mundane tasks required in an organisation.

ENTP Leadership: Connecting with Others

ENTPs leaders’ energy and enthusiasm often push others to work hard; they are insightful into what drives and motivates others and will use what they know to influence them. However, their task-oriented nature when it comes to working causes them to be overly critical and challenging at times.

They often use forceful debate to discover alternative input from their team, but this may offend the more sensitive individuals. They are also scarce with use of praise because they see criticism as a greater motivator for improvement.

ENTP Leadership: Accomplishing your Goals

ENTPs are innovative in their execution to achieve goals. They are open to trying out new processes and methods to accomplish tasks as long as they see the possibility that it can be more effective. ENTPs do not see a need to micromanage their staff and would rather give them independence. 

However, ENTPs often do not give sufficient details for execution. They provide the big picture, but neglect is letting their team know the specific tasks to do. Some personalities will be frustrated with this; seeing the lack of specific instruction as a lack of direction.

ENTP Leadership: Developing your Leadership

Here are some tips for development:


Your tendency to move on from project to project will either frustrate your staff or cause them to burn out. When you start a project, discipline yourself to follow through to completion, even though more interesting projects or tasks may come up along the way. Be keenly aware of the workload that your staff is taking on, making sure that no one is overworked.   


Your task-oriented nature causes you to refrain from showing any personal side in the course of your work. However, some people do work more effectively with you when you choose to open up a more personal side of yourself. When people like you, they’re more likely to follow you willingly. Choose an appropriate time to ask a co-worker out for a short coffee break and have a good chat with them.


While you tend to believe that people can ‘find their way’ to complete the task after you cast the vision, remember that some need the ideas broken down into specific, measurable steps to take. After you have shared a vision, use a project management sheet or Gantt chart to guide your team on what steps they exactly have to take to accomplish that vision.

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