ENTJ Introduction

Extraversion. Intuition. Thinking. Judging

ENTJ IntroductionENTJs are task-oriented, tough-minded and brilliant individuals. They are no-nonsense, straight-talking leaders who demand the best from themselves and others around them.

They enjoy taking charge of people and resources and will organise these people and resources to achieve a strategic goal, often gravitating to positions of management or leadership. They are analytical and insightful thinkers who enjoy intellectual debates, often coming across as assertive or imposing.

"Get it done." 

ENTJs use a logical and objective approach to evaluating situations. While they enjoy taking charge of teams, they prefer not to deal with emotions in the workplace. They use clear, logical and objective criteria to make conclusions, and find it hard to understand people who use subjective values or emotions to do so.

They can be highly forceful and assertive when giving their opinions, pushing back milder types with the force of their personality. However, they enjoy an intellectual debate: they respect someone who is willing to stand their ground.

"This will work. I know it."

Although they show the external world a logical and objective side, ENTJs possess what is traditionally known as intuition or ‘sixth sense.’ Occasionally, they get a hunch about something they can’t immediately explain.

ENTJs know well enough to obey these hunches and often are proven right. This is their unconscious mind making conclusions about events or people based on unconscious connections, and their conscious mind is often unable to catch up with its logic.

"I have thought it through. This is the best strategy."

They are great strategic thinkers, often considering multiple possibilities and brainstorming creative ways to take advantage of these opportunities. They are brilliant insights into current events and often have an opinion about how to improve current systems. This quality is seen by others as intelligence.

“Let's get it settled now."

ENTJs desire closure in their lives, wanting to make conclusions about things or people quickly. They are scheduled, organised and planned. They likely have an active social and business calendar and for some, a detailed budget of their finances. However, their desire for closure and organisation comes with a reluctance to listen to alternative viewpoints. This trait causes ENTJs to come across as stubborn.

“No one cares.”

Their Feeling (F) is the weakest of their mental functions. This means that under stress, their Feeling function may come out in an undeveloped or a childish manner.

As a result, they may experience sadness, loneliness or even self-doubt when put under great stress.

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Famous ENTJs

  • Aung San Suu Kyi

  • Julius Caesar

  • Jack Welch