Your Spending Habits According To Your Personality




Most people like shopping. If you’re in the developed world like the U.S., you’re probably someone who enjoys seasons like Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas, because that’s the season where you have the perfect excuse to shop!


However, not everyone likes to shop in the same way. The differences come in what we buy, how much we spend, and where we do our shopping. To some types, shopping is just about acquiring what they need, to others its therapy and even a social event.


Interestingly, we can make certain predictions about how we shop according to our personality. Being aware could be the first step for you to modify or adjust the way you shop, so you don’t fall prey to weaknesses! Here is what your personality type says about your spending habits.


Extrovert and Introvert Spending Habits


Extroverts get energy through interacting with others, they find social activities refreshing and uplifting. Also, they are more likely to be impulsive buyers than Introverts. This means they are usually the ones who organize the shopping trips, the holidays or social outings. Because often take action before thinking about it, they’re more likely to experience buyer’s remorse, and in some cases, get themselves into credit card debts.


Introverts, on the other hand, gain energy from spending time alone. They tend to reflect more than act and tend to have narrow views about things that affect them financially. The result is that they may often miss out on financial opportunities that could have possibly improve their fortunes. With normal purchases, they also tend to be more careful, thinking about whether they need something before showing their credit card to the cashier.


Both personalities can greatly benefit if they have their trusted and close friends giving them advice when they make crucial financial decisions. By doing this, extroverts would examine their thoughts before jumping in; something that would save them from wasteful and risky buying. Introverts would benefit from getting different viewpoints which they would not have considered otherwise.


Sensing and Intuition Spending Habits


Typically speaking, Sensors tend to buy products that have immediate, practical benefit, while Intuitives tend to buy products that have long-term, or future significance and impact. For example, Sensors are more likely to spend on delicious food and aesthetically pleasing items. Intuitives tend to be less concerned about how they eat, and if they were to buy luxury goods or aesthetically pleasing items, it often has a personal meaning or a long-term positive benefit.


Sensors often have a thing for details. They remember the small things and then to calculate the small expenditures well. However, if they’re not careful, they may end up being penny wise and pound foolish. Intuitives often don’t put their minds on everyday expenditures, seeing them as too small to be concerned about. However, they might spend when someone sells something that promises them a dream or a hope in the future – which may often be false, or sometimes a scam (which they’re more likely to fall prey to).


Thinking and Feeling Spending Habits


Thinkers use logical analysis when deciding if they need to buy something. They will use their logical mind to justify their purchases. Feelers tend to like to spend in ways that will help others – which means they are more likely to give gifts, treats among others without expecting things in return.


Although Thinkers may use their heads to justify their purchases, this doesn’t always mean that they’re right in making those choices. They do, too, make emotional choices, but they will probably make some logic to back these decisions up. Feelers also need to think twice about why they buy things – sometimes they may only spend their money to please others or to gain favor from others. While both ends are okay in moderation, taking it to an extremely often leads to unhealthy spending habits.


Judging and Perceiving Spending Habits


Judging types tend to be more careful and measured in their spending. They are likely to pay their bills on time, stick to a budget and are less comfortable with unplanned spending.  Perceiving types tend to be more careless with their spending, not budgeting and just deciding at the moment if they want to buy something. It is not to say all Perceiving types are spendthrifts, they just simply don’t budget and take a more spontaneous approach in their spending.


The 16 Types and their Spending Inclinations


With that, let’s look at how each of the 16 types will tend to be perceived when it comes to spending money.


ISTJ – Frugal, Careful Spenders

ISFJ – Frugal, Nest Builders

ESTJ – Status Seekers, Budgeted Spenders

ESFJ – Status Seekers, Budgeted Spenders

INTJ – Calculated, Strategic Resource Allocators

INTP – Casual Spenders, Strategic Resource Allocator

ENTP – Impulsive Spenders, Strategic Resource Allocator

ENTJ – Impulsive, Calculated, Strategic Resource Allocator

INFP – Minimalistic and Casual Spender

INFJ – Planned and Minimalistic Spender

ENFJ – Social, Budgeted Spender

ENFP – Social, Impulsive Spender

ISTP – Casual and Calculated Spender

ISFP – Casual and Thrifty Spender

ESTP – Impulsive, Risk Taking Logical Spender

ESFP – Impulsive, Risk Taking Social Spender


Which spending habit are you? Comment below to ask us if you want to know more!

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